Tara Multimedia Filters

Wallace & Tiernan is a brand owned by Evoqua Water Technologies has a rich history dating back to 1910 and is widely recognized in the field of water treatment and chlorine chemical disinfection.

Tara Multimedia Filters: A European Standard of Quality

Pool water filtration is critical for maintaining the highest water quality and ensuring visitor comfort. The Tara multimedia filters stand out as a reliable and high-performance solution, thanks to their superior European craftsmanship and strict adherence to international standards.


European Manufacturing and Quality Assurance

Tara multimedia filters are manufactured in Europe, a region known for its advanced engineering and rigorous quality controls. Each filter undergoes stringent testing to ensure consistent performance in demanding environments, from residential pools to large commercial facilities.

Key benefits of European manufacturing include:

  • High-precision components that ensure durability and long-term performance.
  • Consistent quality control processes in compliance with international standards.


Compliance with DIN and ENG Standards

Adherence to recognized standards is crucial for ensuring safety, reliability, and compatibility. Tara multimedia filters meet the stringent requirements of both:

  • DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung) standards, which set rigorous guidelines for product safety and performance in Germany and beyond.
  • ENG (European Norms and Guidelines) standards, ensuring compatibility across European markets and global recognition.

Compliance with these standards guarantees that the filters deliver high performance, long service life, and consistent water quality in all applications.


Additional Customization Options

To meet diverse customer needs, Tara multimedia filters offer a range of optional features and upgrades:

1. Increased Maximum Pressure
  • Standard models are designed for typical operating pressures, but optional upgrades allow for higher pressure resistance, making them suitable for specialized applications.


2. Ozone-Resistant Components
  • In pools that utilize ozone disinfection systems, it’s vital to have components resistant to ozone-induced degradation. Tara offers filters with specially designed components that resist wear and tear caused by ozone exposure.


3. Customizable Water Inlet-Outlet Locations
  • Depending on the installation layout, customers can request changes in the location of water inlets and outlets to streamline plumbing and improve flow dynamics.


Use of Unique AMF Filter Material

One of the standout features of Tara multimedia filters is their compatibility with the unique AFM (Activated Filter Media) material, developed using proprietary technology.

Benefits of the AMF filter material include:

  • Superior Filtration Efficiency:
    AFM material can capture particles as small as 5 microns, ensuring ultra-clear water.
  • Reduced Backwash Frequency:
    Thanks to its high dirt-holding capacity, pools require less frequent backwashing, saving water and reducing maintenance.
  • Longer Lifespan:
    The advanced composition of AMF material ensures it lasts longer than traditional sand or other media, reducing operational costs.



Tara multimedia filters represent a premium solution for pool filtration, combining European manufacturing quality with compliance to strict DIN and ENG standards. With customizable options and the ability to use the unique AFM filter material, these filters offer exceptional flexibility and performance. Whether for residential or commercial use, Tara multimedia filters ensure crystal-clear water and reliable operation for years to come.

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